“When I got the call from Nancy about this award, I was stunned. I didn’t feel like the typical awardee. This has been my job for over 28 years… I am honored to be among such special people. A lot of the past Founders Award recipients I’ve learned from.”
– Malia Fox, 2022 Founders Award recipient 

Malia Fox has always had a passion for working with and caring for people – especially those who are often made invisible to the world.

Malia has gone above and beyond to be an advocate and to encourage change. She’s had numerous experiences with various community service roles and activities, both locally and nationally. Malia’s experience paired with her kindness, dedication and passion demonstrates her servant leadership within Winona.

Malia Fox is the Founders Award recipient of 2022. This community-nominated award is given to an individual who has demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to improving life in the Winona area through the use of time, talent and treasure.

As part of this award, she had the opportunity to grant dollars from the Founders Endowment Fund to a charity of her choice. Malia chose to grant $7,000 to Will Work for Recovery – Winona and $1,000 to the Winona Friendship Center.

We celebrated Malia on October 6th at Whalen’s at Westfield. During this event, we and many others thanked her for her shared time, talents, and treasures. Thank you to everyone who attended this wonderful event to honor Malia. It was truly a night to remember.

Malia Fox awarding Will Work Recovery-Winona representatives Brandon and Nicki Hennessey (left) with $7,000 from the Founders Endowment Fund.

Board members Corey Hancock (left) and Kathy Peterson (right) at the registration table.

Guests chatting before the program.

The Driftless Ukes, including Malia Fox, performing Ripple and Wagon Wheel before the program.

Nancy Brown, President/CEO of the Winona Community Foundation, beginning the program.

Guests watching the video about Malia Fox. Watch video here: https://youtu.be/kYXysns7z1k

Malia Fox accepting the 2022 Founders Award.

Guests listening to Malia Fox’s acceptance of the award.

Guests giving Malia Fox a standing ovation in response to her acceptance speech.

Guests giving Malia Fox a standing ovation in response to her acceptance speech (continued).

Guests giving Malia Fox a standing ovation in response to her acceptance speech (continued).

It’s an honor for the Winona Community Foundation to award Malia with this award. Malia has created a vision of what Winona could be and has continually motivated others within the community in pursuit of that vision.

The Winona Community Foundation offers a range of charitable options and funds for individuals, families, businesses, and nonprofits to accomplish their philanthropic goals. As your trusted partner, resource, and steward for community philanthropy, the Winona Community Foundation is committed to helping every individual give back in a way that is both meaningful to them and to the causes they care about.