Scholarship Funds at the Community Foundation

Many people want to pay tribute to a loved one or asset young people pursuing a career goal similar to their own. Establishing a scholarship fund at the Winona Community Foundation is one way to accomplish this.

The Foundation houses individual scholarship funds established for various purposes ranging from pre-school tuition assistance to scholarships for employees and their children of an area business. The application for each of these scholarships are administered separately from the Foundation.


If you are considering establishing a scholarship, the Winona Community Foundation provides an easy, cost-effective solution. Here are some of the benefits of establishing a scholarship fund at the Foundation:

  • You can benefit students coming from or enrolling in more than one school or college
  • Scholarship programs may be for enrollment at summer camps to medical college, for children to adults of all ages, for dance lessons to space camp
  • You can pay tribute to an individual(s) by naming the fund after that person
  • We handle all the paperwork for your fund, including fund statements, check-writing, tax filings, and annual financial audits
  • Monies are combined with the Foundation’s assets and are invested by professionals
  • Balance out good and bad years by investing more when you can but being able to give out the same amount of money during other lean years
  • The scholarships are awarded by your independent committee review process


  • Contact Winona Community Foundation staff to review your needs.

  • Complete a “Scholarship” application which will be reviewed by the Foundation Board of Directors. This will be provided to you after your needs are reviewed with Foundation staff.

Funds at the Foundation


For more information, or to discuss if your purpose is the right fit, please contact:

Mandi Olson
(507) 454 – 6511


This scholarship award is to be made “to a member of the junior class who is kind, has a big heart, and big dreams.”  The student must be enrolled at Winona Area Senior High School.

The intent of the fund is to award one (1) scholarship of $500 annually to a Lewiston-Altura High School graduating senior who excelled in academics, athletics and community during their high school career.

The purpose of the fund is to assist families of children who may benefit from a Montessori Children’s House preschool experience, but do not have the financial resources to provide the full tuition. A limited amount of tuition assistance dollars are available for Children’s House tuition.

Started in 2016, the scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating senior at Lewiston-Altura High School that has excelled in academics, athletics, and community during their high school career.

This scholarship award is to support athletic and educational purposes of the Winona School District.

This fund provides assistance to Rotarians who may act as an ambassador to service projects in foreign countries.

The Trinona Scholarship was created to support students who are pursuing a degree in the field of mental health, with a particular focus on supporting youth mental health.