In 2014, Ready Set School of Winona County needed a little help. While the organization had been operating successfully as a 501(c)(3) since 2005, the organization found itself in a challenging position. It needed to hire a new director on a tight budget. Finding someone with the broad base of knowledge to fund raise, manage the voucher program, and perform all the accounting and record keeping functions in twenty hours a month proved to be just too much. That’s when they learned about the Winona Community Foundation’s fiscal sponsorship program and met with their staff.

They entered into a Fiscal Sponsor Agreement where the Foundation would establish accounting records, disperse expenses, and maintain the books and financial reports. That allows Ready Set School’s Board and paid Director to focus on their mission to ensure all eligible K-12 students who attend school in Winona County have the basic and necessary supplies and clothing for school. ,

“Stepping into the Director role in November 2018, it was a relief that I didn’t have to learn accounting and bookkeeping tasks. I wanted to focus on my strengths of fundraising and administration of the voucher program. Having this fiscal sponsorship as an option is a huge benefit for a small nonprofit like Ready Set School,” shared Ready Set School Director, Mandi Olson.