The Winona Community Foundation’s Competitive Grant Program plays a vital role in addressing the ever-evolving needs of the Winona area. Through this program, the Foundation awards grants to local nonprofits, supporting a broad range of causes and helping to strengthen our community. Since its inception, the program has become a key source of grant funding for area organizations, and for the 2025 granting year, it is receiving a significant $19,000 boost thanks to the generosity of individuals who have contributed to the Foundation’s endowment funds.

The Carol A. Orlowske Endowment Fund: A Lasting Legacy

In 2023, the Foundation was honored to receive an unexpected estate gift of $246,000 from Carol A. Orlowske, a lifelong Winona resident, former board member of the Foundation, and a dedicated professional at WNB Financial’s Trust Department. Carol passed away in 2022 at the age of 80, and her legacy continues to make a lasting impact on the community she loved.

To honor Carol’s generous gift, the Foundation’s Board of Director’s established the Carol A. Orlowske Endowment Fund, with the annual proceeds from the fund dedicated to supporting the Community Grant Program. For 2025, this fund will contribute an additional $13,200 to support local nonprofits.

The Community Impact Endowment Fund: Strengthening Community Support

In addition to the Orlowske Fund, the Community Impact Endowment Fund continues to grow and provide a steady stream of support for the Foundation’s grantmaking efforts. Established in 2022, the Community Impact Fund has received $129,500 in donations, with many contributions coming from individuals who have made Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) as part of their charitable giving. For 2025, this fund will add $5,800 to the grant program’s total, further extending its reach and impact.

As the Community Impact Endowment grows, so too does its ability to make a difference in the lives of local nonprofits and the people they serve. The larger the endowment, the more substantial the funding available to meet the needs of the Winona area.

What is an endowment?

An endowment is a type of charitable fund established by a donor or donors. Original donations to endowments are permanently restricted and maintained as the principal. The principal dollars are invested for growth, and the income earned on the principal amount generates annual income for a nonprofit, forever. Typically, most endowments have a Spending Policy they adhere to which protects the principal balance.

2025 Community Grant Program Overview

The 2025 Competitive Community Grant Program is offered to eligible 501c3 nonprofits in the greater Winona area. The community grants for nonprofits are broad and inclusive to meet the current community needs in the Winona area. Currently, the Foundation offers two cycles per calendar year to apply for available funds, with a March 1st and September 1st deadline, respectively. More information can be found on the Foundation’s website about granting guidelines.

A Call to Action: Support the Future of Local Giving

These funds—generated through the generosity of donors—are an investment in the future of Winona. They ensure a permanent and growing source of support for the Community Grant Program, allowing it to continue meeting the needs of local nonprofits for generations to come. The demand for grants each year far exceeds the available funding, making the power of endowments even more crucial.

Individuals inspired to make a difference in the greater Winona area through the Competitive Grant Program are invited to contact the Winona Community Foundation at 507-454-6511.

Creating a Sustainable Future for our Community

These dollars come from people like you, who have a giving heart and a love for our community. By giving a gift to the Foundation, you are helping to build our community. The larger our community endowment gets, the greater impact we can have on our local nonprofits.

Funds to support the Community Grant program are made possible in part through estate gifts made by Ramona L. Jezewski English and Wilmer & Beverly Larson, and sponsors of our annual Charity Golf Outing. Community grants are also supported by individual donors and a percentage of Board designated funds including: the Thomas H. Laken Fund, the Sue & Jack Cornwell Fund, and the General Trust fund of the Winona Community Foundation.

For more information, visit our grants page or contact our team directly at (507) 454 – 6511 or