The Winona Community Foundation Community Grant committee has changed the granting cycle for 2020 from four granting cycles per year to two cycles per year. The deadlines will be March 1, 2020 and August 1, 2020. The hardcopy application is available by emailing Mandi Olson at An online application will be available from February 1-February 29, after the launch of a new website. Grants up to $10,000 can be requested by qualified organizations with projects and programs that enhance life in the Winona region in the areas of civic or education issues, health or social services, environment, arts or culture. For complete granting guidelines, please visit, guidelines are located under Community Grant Program. Contact the Winona Community Foundation with any questions.

2020 Grants

  • Cycle 1 due March 1, 2020 (cycle 2 due August 1, 2020)
  • The maximum grant award is $10,000.
  • Review guidelines first, then if you have a grant request in mind, you must contact Nancy Brown at the Foundation.
  • The online application will be open February 1. We will also provide a downloadable WORD document for applicants if you email Mandi Olson.
  • 2020 WCF Community Grant Application

The grant application requires the following:

  • Project summary, timeline and budget.
  • Narrative:
    • NEED: Describe the project including what specific community need/opportunity you have identified.
    • IMPACT: Describe the desired/projected outcomes of this project and how you will measure these outcomes. Give an overview of who and how many people will be served with this project.
    • COLLABORATION: In what ways are other collaborative partners involved in this project?

Please contact Foundation staff with any questions.