National Standards Accreditation Upholds Our Commitment to Excellence
Winona Community Foundation has recently renewed its accreditation with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations®—the highest standards for philanthropic excellence.
The Winona Community Foundation is pleased to announce that we have recently renewed our accreditation with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations®. This accreditation, signified by the Seal shown on the right, indicates that Winona Community Foundation continues to meet the highest standards for philanthropic excellence.
“Achieving accreditation provides Foundation board members with extra oversight to ensure the Foundation has sound policies and practices that comply with all legal and tax regulations. Allowing us to spend more time on serving the community,” said Jacob Woodworth, Board Chair.
National Standards is not mandatory. Since 2009, our National Standards accreditation has affirmed our commitment to excellence and accountability. Our accreditation provides assurance that we have sound policies and practices in place for financial stability and longevity, affirming our continued commitment to our donors, grantees and community. In short: We are a proven place to give.
The process of earning National Standards accreditation is arduous. The program requires community foundations to document our policies for donor services, investments, grantmaking and administration. Our documentation was reviewed by a community foundation expert from a panel appointed by the Community Foundations National Standards Board, a supporting organization of the Council on Foundations in Washington, DC.
“I appreciate the discipline that goes into securing this accreditation,” said Nancy Brown, President/CEO. “It confirms the Foundation is commitment to the highest standards of ethics and philanthropy. Our community and benefactors deserve no less.”
With your help, Winona Community Foundation has become a more effective partner for impacting the causes you care about. Thank you for working with us.
Through philanthropic services, strategic investments and community leadership, Winona Community Foundation helps people support the causes they care about, now and for generations to come.