START A COUNTDOWN! On October 5th, we will announce our new mission and vision statement at our Founders Event. Please join us in celebrating Phil Feiten and this important milestone.

The Founders Event is an opportunity for the Foundation to award an individual in the community who has demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to improving life in the Winona area through the use of their time, talent, and treasure. This year, the Foundation is honoring Phil Feiten as our Founders Award recipient. Phil has been born and raised in Winona his whole life.

His family owned Feiten Brothers Dairy, where they served as one of the first operations in the area that had pasteurized milk for the customer. Phil has raised over $2.75 million dollars for the Winona area through his fundraising efforts. He is responsible for Habitat for Humanity’s Jimmy Carter Place, as he bought and prepped the land for the operation. Phil has been a Chamber Ambassador since 1970, and was deemed one of their first honorary members.

It’s an honor for us to award Phil with this award, and he’s created a vision of what Winona could be, and has continually motivated others within the community in pursuit of that vision. As the recipient, Phil will have the opportunity to grant dollars from the Founders Endowment Fund to a charity of his choice.

We look forward to seeing you soon.