We are happy to provide this listing of local nonprofits with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status according to the IRS of the United States.

If you have updates or changes, please contact Foundation staff at wcf@winonacf.org.

About Us

Elder Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 1988 in Rochester Minnesota, now serving Dodge, Olmsted, Wabasha and Winona Counties. Our mission is to support those 55 and better and their caregivers to have the opportunity to thrive and lead rewarding lives. Elder Network has an office and staff person in Winona and offers 8 non-medical programs and services including Caregiver Respite both volunteer and paid Companion, Caregiver Coaching, Friendly Visitor, Technology Assistance Program, Dementia Friends Info Sessions. We offer several support groups including: Chronic Conditions support group, After Caregiving Ends Support Group, Caregiver Support Group.