2021 Matching Funds
for Donor Advised Funds
Support something you believe in with the help of the Winona Community Foundation.
How does supporting your favorite charities, investing in your community and getting a 20% return on your donation sound? The Winona Community Foundation has matching dollars for newly established Donor Advised Funds at the Foundation for 2021. The Foundation offers flexible, efficient, and tax-effective ways for individuals or businesses to support the charities they care about. Matching dollars up to $5,000 per fund are available now. The Foundation accepts a variety of tax-deductible donations while working to grow the donation (tax-free). Then advisors to these funds can direct grants to their favorite charities over time.
Please contact Nancy Brown at the Foundation for more information.
Nancy Brown
What is a Donor Advised Fund?
A simple, flexible and tax-efficient way to give to your favorite charities.